Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 4: Rerouting

After losing a day so early in the tour, we decided it would be wise to alter our route a bit in order to catch up and get back a little time.  This alteration will allow us extra time for future misadventures and we feel there might be others.  Leaving Deception Pass was difficult.  We were exhausted after yesterday’s 63 mile ride, the state park was beautiful, and we met a great family (Thuy, Kim and their three children) that showed us how to identify huckleberries.  When we finally did leave a little after 11AM we were not very motivated and we paid for it. The hills were seemingly endless, not unmanageable but unceasing.  Our food supply was running low and we started taking bites out of a brick of Tillimook like it was a granny smith.  At one point we sat at a beach trying to avoid the steep mountain ahead as if sitting there would make it disappear. It didn’t disappear nor did it seem to end.  We were mentally drained after that hill.  Physically anything is possible, if you set your mind to it.  If you say your going to get up that hill, you will.  We ended the long day taking a ferry or shall we say snoozing on the ferry, over to the wonderful, dog friendly, city of Port Townsend. 

Julie breaking camp.

Starving and eating a warm brick of cheese.

Hanging out at the beach, avoiding the hill up ahead. 

Matt is so fast up every hill, he has time to take the camera out and wait for me to pass him.

Waiting for the Ferry to unload.

Jet lovin' on his dad.

Passed out on the ferry.

On the ferry, exhausted.

Morning stretch at Deception Pass & the fatal spot where we lost our phone charger!


  1. What an adventure you two are on. I'm enjoying it all through your blog! So sorry you've had to learn so many lessons so early in the game! Wish I knew people all over that could help you out along you're journey. But it seems that ya have been blessed to make some new friends along the way! Be safe...luv ya!

    1. Thanks Angelica for reading our blog, it's nice to know we are not writing to the wall. You are absolutely right we have been blessed every step of the way. The day we lost a part for Jet's carrier we should have ridden on Chuckanut road, seemingly dangerous, with no shoulder, steep climbs and narrow lanes. We ended up doing it on a Saturday, the same day as a big bike race along Chuckanut with hundreds of other cyclist. These allowed us to be well seen. Blessed, no doubt. Thanks again for keeping up with us and hopefully reminding my mom to keep up with this blog. Love you and can't wait to be in the flat lands of Texas again.

  2. Amazing the distance you are traveling each day with a dog carrier, and in the heat. Drink lots of Gatorade to replenish the electrolytes in your body from sweating. We love you and are praying for your health and safety every day. Let me know if we can help in any way. God Bless you both! and Jet!

    Dad Swallow

  3. Love seeing the pictures and so grateful for the phone calls and texts, stay strong love ya
    Mom Swallow

    1. We love you both and hope to have some new stuff up soon.
