We were not sure how to feel this morning. Days one and two had each had their own set of issue's; should we assume that days 3-45 will be any different. We don't really care how things go today as long as there are no big lessons. Overall day 3 went well with 1 flat tire, great weather, breathtaking views of the Puget Sound and lots of positive feedback from other cyclist. Our first flat ironically was right in front of a bus stop! To take the bus or keep trekking? Matt fixed the flat and put us back in route. Along Chuckanut Road we met a family of three doing a day ride to Anacortes, WA. Nichole, the mother of two and an avid biker taught us our first lesson of the day. Apparently we did not have our helmets adjusted correctly. Nichole, like most sweet, caring mothers, came over and adjusted our helmets for us. We said our goodbyes and she put us safely on our way. We then headed to Deception pass and met two local fisherman who kindly supplied us with scrumptious peaches. We scarfed down our peaches and headed onward. The rest of the day was filled with beautiful sites and endless hills. At one point I made an ode to the down hill but than quickly realized going downhill just meant we would have to go back uphill and began to despise the downhills. I learned the hard way today that Matt's snot-rockects can carry over 30 feet. They are cool and kinda refreshing but I hope to never encounter them again. We ended the night eating some dehydrated food and camping in Deception Pass State Park.
Checking out the gorgeous views from Chuckanut Road.
Our first flat at mile 15 right next to the bus stop.
Local fisherman with Hevi-beads in hand.
Thanks Garza Family for our supply of Cliff bars.
Oh yeah, we just trekked up and through the mountain behind Julie.
Deception Pass.
Views from Deception Pass.
Julie on Deception Pass
Nichole and family at Chuchanut Road. Thanks for adjusting our helmets. |
Are all sea captains also white Supremacist? |
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ReplyDeleteThat bridge you two crossed would have been the death of me...I think the trip would have been over. I am so afraid of heights. Be safe, enjoy your lessons for today I am sure each day will have its own set of lessons all planned out for you two.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely keep our contact. We also have friends in Santa Cruz if you need. Santa Cruz has a great biking community. UCSC has a campus right on the coast so you can also contact the student body there if you need help. If not, write us and we can probably find people for you. Santa Barbara is also another coastal college that should have a good community for you. Good luck and keep safe.
ReplyDeleteThuy, thank you for offering your home to us. We'll definitely keep in contact with you as we head south to California for more info on the area. Take Care- The Swallow's