Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 2: Lessons in Humility

Maybe we have been prideful regarding our preparations because this morning was a reality check. We wake up, well rested and ready to go. The sun is shinning, the bikes are cleaned and lubed, our teeth brushed and our armpits deodorized, Deception Pass here we come.  Or so we thought.  Our early optimism was quickly eroded when we realized Jet's DoggyRide Mini was rendered immobile as we discovered we had lost the sole means of attaching it to Matt's bike.  We could have been stuck in a worse place though, Aunt Vida is an amazing host.  We set out to scour Bellingham for the necesary part and  after searching high and low we came upon The Hub, a cool community bike shop in the downtown area.  Throughout our unexpected off day we were kept entertained by a couple of characters. Kaden and Mikayela showed us all sorts of cool stuff about about Minecraft, played with Jet, and taught us all about "wishing rocks" as we walked along the bay. Thanks for a great day Aunt Vida and company.

We found a makeshift replacement for Jet's DoggyRide in the "parts alley" section of The Hub.

Kaden and Mikayela were vital to todays success. 

Our wish for the wishing rock....To not dying!


  1. I would love to hear the story behind the wishing rocks, are you planning on hauling them to Mexico with you? be safe love ya.

  2. From what we heard, a black rock with a solid white band around it is a wishing rock. We were told to make a wish and throw them back into the ocean. Love you
