Friday, August 16, 2013

Day 1: Lessons in Murphy's Law

Everything that can go wrong, will...That Murphy character was some smart SOB.  We knew there would be setbacks aplenty throughout our journey but come on, day one was supposed to be easy.  Nothing could have been farther from the truth.  A seemingly easy 4 hour cycling day turned into an 8 hour ride.  Where do I begin.  Lost, miscalculated mileage, rain followed by rain gear failure, lost again, the road with a thousand names, still lost, terrible maps, and don't forget the flat tire. The flat tire wouldn't have been a big deal if I had not lost our tire lever somewhere along the way; I guess we are gonna learn how to improvise.  We trust that tomorrow will work out better for us.

Grrr....Our first flat, mile 30. It's all uphill from here.  Literally!

Valet parking outside Safeway,  classy.

Lost in the Delta Preserve outside Vancouver.
Still lost.

The weather finally cleared for a photo op as we arrived in Birch Bay
Our first host,  Aunt Vida. Good food, soft bed and great company!


  1. Can't wait to hear about todays ride, you both have been on my mind all day. I hope Murphy has kept his distance. Love you both. Mom Swallow

  2. Enjoyed reading your days event after we dropped you off in Vancouver. I hope and pray things go better each and every day, but that darned Murphy seems to always be around the next corner. L:ove ya, Dad Swallow

  3. Well if you were in Frankfurt Germany you wouldn't get that valet parking that close. You would have to find yourself a pole. And the most i saw in one area was like 30 - 45 bikes or even more. People here are definitely bike lovers. Have a blessed day guys i love y'all.

  4. Another day, hope all goes well we will be keeping you in our prayers, can't wait for updates and more pictures. love Mom Swallow

  5. Thanks guys. We hope to stay on top of this blogging thing and keep everyone up to date.
