Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 12: When it rains it pours...and pours.

We got a late start today, 11:30 am late start.  It's hard to leave a comfy bed and set off for a 50 mile loaded bike ride. We followed our maps per usual and ended up making a big circle back to Astoria. Up to that point we had enjoyed our ride, a scenic route through the Fort Clatsop Memorial Park with breathing taking Douglass Firs everywhere.  I started singing "O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree....",  and thinking this is what life is all about, hanging out with my husband, dog and mother nature.  Then as all good things do, the park ended and the road led us back to Highway 101 where we quickly learned that we were back where we started.  Frustrated that we had taken a scenic loop, we disregarded our maps from here on, after all how hard could it be to get to Nehalem, just keep the ocean on the right and you're golden. We proceeded down 101 south toward Seaside it slowly began to drizzle on us.  We decided it would be best to cover Jet and his trusty Doggyride and in short order the rain started in earnest.  We pushed through into Seaside and decided to wait it out at a trusty Safeway until things died down a bit.  We met some interesting folks while sitting outside on the ground looking like wet dogs.  The interesting characters continued over the next few hours outside of that store.  People tend to surprise you though.  It is always Jet that gets us into conversations and this instance was no exception.  A man chatted us up and asked if he could bless us and then proceeded to try and give us the last dollars that remained in his wallet.  When we refused his money he insisted we take some vitamins and a prayer for the road.  We gladly accepted both.  Currently this man's name eludes me but he really left a great impression on the both us.  The time had come and we had decided it was time to head out.  The forecast was for worsening conditions throughout the day.  35 miles in the wind driven rain and for some reason we were oddly optimistic.  The process of getting wet is very irritating but once you are soaked through there is nothing left to be irritated about and it becomes a bit easier to grin and bare it.  After five or so hours in steady rain, we limped our way into Nehalem State Park. Luckily, there was a short break in the weather and we were able to quickly throw up our tent and dive into a hot, delicious top ramen dinner.  No shower for us tonight.  Soggy, shivering, stinky, and on the verge of growing mold; we opted to hop right into our sleeping bags.  We were hopeful about tomorrow's weather. The meteorologists said there is a 65% chance of rain all day.  We maintained our optimism and called it a 35 percent chance of sunshine.

Took a break from the rain under a church awning.
The scenic 10 mile mistake.
Our first of many tunnels. Not so fun.
Wet and windy bridges are awesome.
Still beautiful despite the nasty weather.
Jet, always a good sport.
Home for the night.
Six hours later.


  1. Awesome love the spirit guys you too jet im rooting for you guys over here in Germany. Keep posting your adventure each day. Its very interesting i feel as if im a reading a chapter a day out of a book. Love y'all be safe.

  2. I loved "We remained optimistic and called it a 35 percent chance of sunshine." I think I'm going to start saying that anytime they're predicting rainy weather and I don't want it.

    I love reading the updates guys, you are already a hundred times better at posting than we ever were...keep it up. : )


  3. Thanks Jacob and Shannon for reading our blog but more importantly thanks for posting something on here. We often wonder if anyone reads our post. We love you three (Jacob, Shannon and Brenton :-))
